How To Download...?

Frequenlty Asked Question:

1. How to download files?

You just need to fill out a quick survey to download files on our website.
It's totally free to fill out a survey. If there is no survey available for your country, then we can do nothing (the only option is premium account for you)

2. The link for the survey page is not opening or working?

If you have AdBlock, or any other adblock software and you can’t download, please disable it and try to re-download, also check if you have any IDM, Internet Download Manager, disable it or uninstall it.

3. I completed the survey, but it doesn't unlock?

Try clearing all your cookies . Then create a new email address to use with and try the survey again using the new email address. Also make sure you're not using fake information, as the surveys have ways to detect it. Also mobile/cellphones offers are the easiest to complete and goes through all the time.

4. Why do we need to complete a survey to get access of the downloads?

The download mirror allow us to save bandwidth and at the same time keep our files safe. Server costs is very high due to the high traffic we get. The revenue earned from the surveys allow us to pay for the cost and continue creating/updating hacking programs for you guys to use at free of cost. Currently our server bandwidth limit is over, So we have shifted to blogger server. We Apologize, Server will be back soon end of the month of first.

5. Some of Email Servers or Social Networkings hack didnt worked. What should i do? 

You need to wait that we update the hack. But dont forget there are some difficulties to make this hack. We can’t hack in 1day or 1week. So please respect us before judgeing about non-working hacks. Its fully normal situation that our hacks can be dedected by (CIA) IT Security after thousands of people download and use them.

TUTORIAL – Unlock and download any files!

For complete a survey properly, you need an e-mail. Use a new and different Email that you have never used before with a Survey. Using the same email that you have used before can result in the download not unlocking.

Examples of good email providers are: Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail. Remember not to use temporary email otherwise the download not unlocking!

The second step is to remember a basic rule: Clear cookies before starting survey!

A cookie is usually a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user’s web browser while a user is browsing a website.

Cookies can also be considered bad in that they can track the sites that you visit which is a main cause in Surveys Not Unlocking the Download.

I suggest you download Ccleaner, a freeware program that will allow you to do a complete cleaning of cookies presents in your computer. You can download the latest version of this program from this link: Click

Disabling Pop-up blockers: I suggest you to use FireFox because this browser is perfect for complete any type of survey! Click tools, option, content tab and make sure the first box is NOT checked.

Complete survey! After completing the Survey on that page SYSTEM should show the message "Download is Starting Now" in the download window.

Note: if your download file does not automatically unlock after a minute, please choose another survey (Sometime this happen due to Server problem) if this happen, Try to Select New Survey and Complete it, your download will be unlock instant. Thats it! File Downloaded!

We hope that this new gateway lock will limit the number of downloads to only people who really want to use it. 

To have more info about Download please refer HOW TO DOWNLOAD Section. Click Here.